Our Ministries
Providence Baptist Church is dedicated to offering a wide range of ministries that cater to the diverse needs of our congregation and community. From vibrant worship services that inspire spiritual growth to transformative Bible study groups that deepen our understanding of God's Word, we provide opportunities for individuals to engage in meaningful fellowship and discipleship.
Our ministries also extend beyond the church walls, as we actively serve our community through outreach programs, compassionate initiatives, and partnerships that address various social and spiritual needs. Whether it's nurturing the faith of our youth, providing support to families, or ministering to individuals in times of crisis, our ministries are designed to foster holistic growth, spread God's love, and make a positive impact in the lives of those we serve.
Armor Bearer Ministry
The Armor Bearers Ministry assists the Pastor and family by providing support as required. They serve as a liaison for Pastor before, during, and after services to ensure he can focus on the area of ministry without unnecessary interruptions.
The Armor Bearers assist the Pastor with logistics for guests and accompany him when needed to outside events, services, and speaking engagements.
Bible Study
Weekly Bible Study gives our members an opportunity to be informed and illuminated through the teaching of the Word of God. Various subjects are presented to edify members in their walk with Lord.
Brotherhood/Men/Laymen Ministry
The purpose of the men’s ministry is to encourage, empower, enrich, and enlist men of the church to advance the Kingdom of God. To provide a Christ-centered environment that builds vital fellowship and support.
Christian Educational Department
To assist the Pastor in securing and facilitating the biblical educational needs of the church and its ministries. This includes special educational programs, workshops, retreats, events, services, and materials needed to equip members to do the work of the Kingdom efficiently.
Church Secretary
The church secretary is responsible for recording, processing, and maintaining accurate records for all church business-related meetings. The secretary is also responsible for all official church membership records and administrative services for the church under the direction of the Pastor.
The custodians are responsible for maintaining the building and grounds and making minor repairs.
Deacons (I Timothy 3:8)
The Deacons are elected by the church membership, as mutual helpers of the pastor and assist him in carrying on the great work of God. They are to administer the church’s benevolence, care for the poor and provide for all that pertains to the church’s welfare, “to serve tables”. They assist the pastor in serving the Lord’s Supper and Baptism.
In the absence of a pastor, it becomes the duty of the deacons to conduct the devotional meetings to administer the affairs of the general body of the church and to provide for the supply of the pulpit until the church has voted and affirmed a Pastor.
Deaconess & Minister’s Wives & Widows (Romans 16:1-2)
The Deacon’s wives are the wives of the deacons in our church’s body. They assist their husbands in the preparation of communion, which includes setting the communion table, cleaning table linen and communion utensils. The deacon’s wives also prepare the baptismal supplies and are responsible for seeing that all candidates for baptism have the proper attire and information for baptism. They also are supporters focusing on the women of the churc
Executive Secretary to the Pastor
The Executive Secretary is responsible for performing administrative duties related to the Pastor and his ministry. The executive secretary serves as an administrative liaison between the Pastor and his ministries, sets appointments, and maintains Pastor’s calendar and travel schedule.
Prepares and answers correspondence on behalf of the Pastor and handles sensitive and confidential information. Coordinates travel and logistics for special events. Works with the Church secretary to keep the Pastor informed of deaths, illnesses, and other crises of the membership. Assists Pastor with various special projects as needed and performs other administrative duties as assigned by the Pastor.
Fellowship and Activity Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to plan and coordinate activities and special events to build a stronger fellowship within our membership; to create an atmosphere where new relationships can be developed and nurtured; to work in conjunction with other Providence ministries to ensure each event is pleasurable and blessed.
Fundraiser Committee
The purpose of this committee is to create, plan, execute, and lead members in efforts and activities that raise funds to carry out certain objectives or goals of Providence Baptist.
Greeters Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to greet individuals with a welcoming smile, and handshake, and to give a spirit-filled expression by speaking kind words to members and visitors before they walk through the doors of the church. This ministry aims to show love to those who may need an uplifting connection.
Grief to Grace Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is responsible to meet the needs of bereaved families. They serve as liaisons between families, our church staff, and funeral homes. They also create a support group by creating a continual atmosphere to help and comfort those who are bereaved.
Health Ministry
The purpose of the health ministry is to serve the members of Providence Baptist. Nurses or Medical representatives maintain a presence during all services and events for medical emergencies. This ministry also provides educational resources on health-related issues, consultations, medical screenings, health fairs, and lastly any assistance needed for the membership and community.
Married Couples Fellowship
The purpose of this ministry is to strengthen marriages through biblical teachings as well as coordinate activities for married couples.
Media & Marketing Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to create and provide news and events for the members of Providence Baptist Church through various forms of communication which includes visual, audio, and technical support.
Music Ministry
The music ministry is a group of singers, praise leaders, and musicians dedicated to creating an atmosphere where the presence of the Lord can be present. The music ministry also prepares the congregation for the preaching of God’s word.
New Members Orientation Ministry
This ministry is responsible to guarantee a smooth transition into the church for all new members. To provide encouragement, support, fellowship, and prayers during their transition. To invest in their spiritual growth by guiding them through an orientation process that will enhance their walk with Christ. To equip our new members with information concerning Providence Baptist Church that will help them develop a lifelong relationship with Christ and the church.
Parking and Security Ministry
This ministry is responsible for the overall security of the church facilities and people meetings during regular and major functions. They will also direct traffic and parking when crowd control and traffic congestion warrant it.
Pastor (Jeremiah 3:15)
The Pastor is responsible to the church to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, engage in pastoral care ministries, administer the ordinances of the church, provide administrative leadership in all areas of the church’s life, and act as the chief administrator of the staff and leaders. It is his duty to watch over the members, to exhort, admonish, reprove, rebuke, comfort, and counsel, as one who is entrusted by God with the care of human souls and will give an account of his stewardship.
Scholarship Committee
To provide financial aid, and supplies for the educational and academic needs of deserving students.
Seasonal Seniors Fellowship
The purpose of this ministry is to provide fellowship, activities, support, and a sense of belonging to Senior Adults (65 & over) at Providence Baptist.
Shepherd's Ministry
This ministry is responsible for being a blessing to the Pastor to care for and maintain the needs of the Pastor in and out of the pulpit throughout the year as he ministers the gospel. They ensure the Shepherd is never without support and ensures he is equipped with the means to labor in the ministry.
Singles Fellowship
The purpose of this ministry is to reach and strengthen singles/unmarried with biblical teachings as well as coordinate activities for singles.
Social Justice Ministry
The purpose of this committee is that through education, advocacy, and involvement, it can integrate a quest for social awareness and support in our community, city, country, and world.
Sunday School
The Sunday School is a teaching agency for all ages as it helps to prepare members for a higher level of biblical knowledge by presenting the Word of God from lessons designed to meet the spiritual needs of the congregation.
Transportation Ministry
The Transportation Ministry is committed to providing transportation for members and friends for Sunday morning worship services and church-related activities.
Trustees (I Peter 4:10)
The Trustees serve as legal representatives in all transactions related to the church. They hold legal title to the church property and sign all documents related to the purchase, sale, mortgaging, or rental of church property after approval by the church.
Ushers Ministry (Psalm 84:10)
The Ushers attend to the needs of the body of Christ. Ushers are an extension of God’s hand to his people. Ushers serve in the office of “doorkeeper” or watchmen and host to ensure the service goes smoothly without disruptions or drawing attention to themselves. Although the major portion of the ushers’ duties is utilized inside the sanctuary, ushers also meet, greet, and seat persons as they enter the sanctuary.
Women's Ministry
The purpose of the women’s ministry is to enhance and edify women through in-reach/outreach programs, prayer, corporate study, fellowship outings, and monthly meetings. Women of all ages are encouraged to participate in mission activities that help the church to reach women for Christ.
Youth/Young Adults Ministry
The youth/young adult’s ministry is to help them grow and develop spiritually in their relationship with Jesus Christ. In a world where so many young people feel insecure, misunderstood, and unloved, this ministry demonstrates the unchanging nature and love of God through fellowship, education, outreach, and learning experiences.